Employee Experience Insights

Say goodbye to your old engagement survey and hello to a human-centric approach to employee feedback. Our WorkWell Insights helps employers understand the state of their employee experience, collect measurable data on well-being and organizational health, and with the support of our WorkWell advisors, learn how to make data-driven decisions towards a healthy, high-performing workplace culture.


Unlocking Clarity

No two workplaces are the same. So why would there be a one-sized-fits-all approach to workplace culture and well-being?

We know your workplace is unique and that’s what’s sets our Insights Assessment apart. This is your chance to dig deep and get a clearer understanding of your unique workplace culture.

By completing an Insights Assessment with us, you’ll get:

  • Our 20-question Employee Insights Survey – a targeted pulse assessment to evaluate drivers of organizational health
  • An expert review and analysis of your company’s survey findings by Dr. Whiteside
  • Report consultations with leadership team to deliver findings and recommendations
  • Targeted, detailed and digestible organizational report for your executive team (optional reports for team leaders)
  • Available, ongoing support for action planning and implementation
Easy-to-read reports that identify the strengths and opportunites of your organizaiton in four key areas of organizational health: Engagement, Culture, Well-Being, and Performance.
Uncover what's impacting staff well-being throughout your entire organization.
Quickly identify the top needs your staff need to flourish. From leadership communication, to mental health supports, get a clear understand of what your staff need.


Want to see a sample of what our Insights Assessment report looks like?

Professional Development

Wondering where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Our workshops are a great way to learn more about workplace culture, employee well-being, engagement, and performance.

These hyper-focused, action-oriented training sessions are geared to help equip you and your leadership team with the skills needed to foster the change you’re after.

Sessions for leaders

Our interactive virtual workshops are 2-hours and can scale to your organization's size and needs.

Fees start at $4,500 for up to 50 attendees. Please contact us for a quote and availability.

Leading Through Change

There’s a reason that only about 41% of change initiatives meet their objectives. Change is hard, and leading change is even tougher! In a business world that has seen significant disruption over the past year, how can you harness what research tells us about leading people through change to enhance your chances of success? Find out in this workshop and better equip your people leaders.

Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Teams that feel safe sharing ideas, innovations, and even failures, are healthier and more productive than those where people fear ridicule or punishment for speaking out. Wondering how you can help foster psychological safety in your teams? Then this workshop is for you!

Creating a Culture of Appreciation

Employees need to know they are valued and appreciated — that their work matters. In this workshop, we provide leaders with the tools they need to help build a team culture focused on appreciation.

Creating a Culture of Empowerment

Micro-managing isn’t healthy for anyone. This workshop is geared to providing leaders and managers with the skills they need to empower their employees. The result? Healthier, happier, and more productive teams.

Coaching Skills for People Leaders

All people leaders need to act as both a manager and a coach. In this workshop, we’ll explore the differences between these two, develop our coaching skills, and learn how to hold the tension between these important roles.

Building the Business Case for Investing in a Well-Being Strategy

There are so many demands on our resources, and we already have a wellness program; why should we invest further in employee well-being? What is the return on impact? How can we build a business case to advocate for greater investment in our organization? In this session, we discuss the distinction between wellness and well-being, why well-being is so important to your organization, and how you can move from insights to action to impact through a well-being strategy.

Effective Meetings

Meetings should be a valuable part of organization communication, but in order for this to happen they need to be meaningful, engaging and relevant. In this workshop, we discuss when and how to use meetings to accomplish organizational goals, and identify good practices in meeting management as part of an overall communications strategy.

Performance Management & feedback

This workshop touches lightly on performance reviews and feedback as part of an organization's performance management framework. Especially effective for those organization's considering or having recently launched formal performance management in their organization, we'll discuss some key tips for success, and provide concrete strategies for effective feedback. We can customize scenario practice to your performance management framework for added value.

Diving Deeper on Psychological Safety OR [RE]Building Trust
In this workshop, we'll review the basics of psychological safety and then take a deeper dive into how we can use these principles as the foundation of our organizational culture. Includes a takeaway toolkit for leaders.
Conflict Mediation
As leaders, we are sometimes called upon to help resolve conflicts between our staff or even our peers. In this workshop, we identify the role of the mediator and the behaviours that support and do not support mediation. We explore concrete strategies to use in advance of and during mediation conversations to support conflict resolution in healthy and productive ways.




Managing the Transition: Future of Work

As COVID-19 restrictions begin to lift, many companies are faced with making decisions about what the future of work will look like. Full-time remote? Some sort of hybrid? Full-time in person? This webinar is geared towards helping leaders and managers challenge long-held assumptions and effectively lead yet another transition.

Establishing Healthier Norms

Is bureaucracy taking over at work? Do you find that you get to the end of a day full of meetings, only to start doing your actual work once “office hours” are over? It’s not healthy for you or your team. As we continue to navigate towards a post-pandemic new normal, it’s important that leaders and managers help their teams establish healthier workplace norms.

Communicating Effectively

Over the past year, business communication has faced a unique barrier: the screen. Sure, we’ve relied on emails and team messaging apps for years; however, we’re now hosting remote meetings more than ever before. So, what’s getting lost in translation?Learn how to communicate across any channel more effectively in this workshop.

Conflict Mediation & Strategies for Effective Resolution

Learn how to effectively manage and mediate difficult conflicts in this interactive workshop for leaders. Participants will gain an understanding of the different models and strategies for conflict resolution, as well as practical tools to use when mediating conflicts. The workshop will also cover how to effectively communicate with conflicting parties and create an environment for successful resolution. Additionally, participants will develop skills to recognize and prevent conflicts before they become unmanageable. The workshop will provide a safe and supportive space to practice the skills learned in a real-world setting.

Foundations of Healthy Workplace Culture

Every organization has a culture. The question is whether we are cultivating the culture we want to have intentionally, or whether we are putting up with a culture that is contributing to ill-health instead of well-being.

Leading Towards Growth Mindset

As leaders, we want teams that willingly embrace challenges, put in effort to enhance their performance, see mistakes as learning opportunities, and view feedback as an opportunity to grow. We want our teams to have a growth mindset culture. So, how do we lead towards growth mindset? In this workshop, we'll apply WorkWell's Growth Mindset Model to consider practical strategies to cultivate growth mindset in ourselves and the teams we lead.

Understanding, Interpreting & Taking Action on Your Insights Report

This workshop will give leaders and teams the knowledge needed to understand and interpret their Insights data within the context of what they know about their team. Using small group activities, we'll begin the process to identify and prioritize actions to take based on the data.

Goal Setting
This workshop explores the what, why and how of goal setting as part of an organization's plan to execute on its strategy. Especially effective for those organizations considering or having recently launched goal setting in their organization, we'll discuss some key tips for success, and provide concrete strategies for implementing the full goal setting cycle. We can customize scenario practice to your goal setting framework for added value.


Sessions for all staff

Thriving Through Change

There’s no doubt about it. This past year has brought about a lot of change – and there’s still more to come. In this workshop, we talk about what makes change so challenging and how to build the skills to thrive, not just survive, through change.

Conflict Resolution & Collaborative Problem Solving

Conflict doesn’t have to be a dreaded four-letter word. In fact, not all conflict is bad. In this workshop we’ll focus on how to manage conflicting opinions and promote collaborative problem solving.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Sometimes we get stuck, at work or in our home lives. If we catch ourselves thinking or saying things like, "There is no point in trying that; it just won't work" or "Things are never going to get any better around here" or "We tried that before and it went nowhere", you may be stuck in fixed mindset. Instead, we want to cultivate growth mindset more often, where we can be curious, learn and grow both as individuals and as teams. In this workshop, we'll learn to recognize when we're in fixed or growth mindset, and develop some practical strategies for cultivating growth mindset more often.

Disconnecting From Work

In our "always on" culture, it can be hard to leave work behind when we leave our workplace, yet it is vitally important that we do so. We all need to rest and recharge, but how can we do that when our mind is spinning with worry about our to-do list, who is going to call in sick the next day, and the many other concerns we have? In this workshop, we'll talk about practical strategies to help us set healthy boundaries and truly disconnect.

Fostering Psychological Safety

Psychologically safe workplaces are ones in which people hold a shared belief that they will not be embarrassed, rejected or punished for speaking up about new ideas, challenges they are facing, or mistakes they have made. Psychological safety allows people to bring their authentic selves to work and thus it is also a positive step for building inclusion and trust. When we foster psychological safety in our teams and our organization as a whole, people feel safe to be vulnerable, to actively listen to each other, seek others’ perspectives, and thoughtfully engage in dialogue to move the organization toward its goals. In this workshop, we will explore the components of psychological safety, why it is so important, and how to foster it in our relationships, teams, and workplaces.

Courageous Conversations (Civility-Focus)

"Your organizational culture is only as good as the worst behaviour it tolerates." That truism should give us pause as leaders. In this workshop, we'll discuss the particular challenges that come along with conflict related to incivility, and identify concrete strategies for having courageous conversations related to uncivil behaviour in our teams and workplaces.


A Little More Green Space

Self-care isn’t just a fad or a buzz word. It’s a vital component for employee well-being. Our recent survey underscored just how stressed out and overburdened employees are. Wondering how to help your teams make space for self-care? Then this is the perfect workshop for you.

Building Resilience in Work and Life

Resilience is more than bouncing back when life gets tough. In fact, it's a set of skills that we can build proactively as individuals, teams and organizations to help us cope with the inevitable changes and disruptions that come our way. In this workshop, we'll look at how our mindset, role perceptions, and psychological capital skills can support us in building our resilience.

Creating Safe Spaces for Conversations on Mental Health

YMCA WorkWell’s community survey data over the past three years has found that many people are reporting experiencing burnout sometimes to extremely often. We are also seeing an increase in people reporting unhealthy mental well-being scores and asking for more mental health supports in their workplaces. We need to be able to have conversations about mental health at work, but this is often difficult for a variety of reasons. In this session, we will share practical tips for creating psychologically safe spaces at work and review current research on how we can facilitate supportive conversations about mental health for ourselves and our employees.

Five Beahviours of a High-Performing Team

In the modern workplace, our environments are in constant flux. As a result, it can feel downright impossible to develop a truly cohesive team. The truth: teams rarely hit their collaborative peak and potential unconsciously. Even teams producing generally good results may be burdened with disengagement, lack of cohesion, or non-productive conflict. When your team's productivity falters, it's often difficult to pinpoint the source of concern. Even when you spot a few early warning signs before any serious drop in productivity, it's often tempting to focus on those specific situations or individual interactions instead of addressing the real work of building a great team dynamic from the ground up, the right way. With the right framework, developing and practicing teamwork comes consistently, and relationships thrive - taking your organization to the next level. The Five Behaviours® Team Development can transform your perspective and the way you team.

Tackling the Workload Challenge
One of the top causes of burnout in our organizations is workload. It’s the elephant in the room, the one we think we can’t possibly remove or reduce. Or can we? In this workshop, we’ll talk about the status of workload in your organization, the opportunities and constraints for addressing it, and explore some key strategies for making workload more manageable.
Building Stronger Working Relationships
It can be hard to know how to create a positive difference in our workplace as just one person. When we build strong working relationships, we get stuff done fast and well, and we have more fun! In this all-staff workshop, we discuss four key practices for building strong working relationships with simple, practical strategies for putting them to work.



Start making a positive change today.

Currently, all of our sessions are available as interactive, online workshops. Each session is tailored to your audience to maximize the learning and development opportunity.

If you're ready to bring your leadership and your team to the next level, we're here to help.

Advising and Leadership Development

Our goal is to encourage, equip, and enable you with the skills needed to help your team achieve the results you’re all after. 

Through one-on-one advising, mentoring, and small group facilitated conversations, we use our evidenced-based people and culture management expertise to help you:

  • Improve workplace communication
  • Solve targeted problems/issues impeding success
  • Evolve workplace culture
  • Upskill managers and leaders
  • Increase employee retention
  • Improve organizational impact

Are you ready?

It’s the only question that matters. Are you ready to lean into the insights of your team and workplace?  

Are you ready to learn the skills needed to create and foster the workplace culture you and your team deserve?  We think you are. That’s what brought you to us in the first place.

And we’re here to help you.