The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ™



The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team ™ is the result of a partnership between Wiley Workplace Learning Solutions & best-selling author Patrick Lencioni. It is a unique learning experience that helps people discover what it takes to achieve the ultimate competitive advantage of a High Performing Team. Together they have developed a set of industry leading workplace assessment tools that come together in a breakthrough programme proven to deliver business results.

The Five Behaviors is based around the following premise that a productive, high-functioning team:

  1. Establishes TRUST between team members
    Trust lies at the heart of a high performing, cohesive team and can only happen when team members are willing to be completely vulnerable with one another. This includes saying things like ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘Your idea is better than mine’. Our personality assessment can help people gain insight on their peers and develop empathy, two important qualities that allow a team to build trust.

  2. Engages in CONFLICT around ideas
    Conflict is naturally uncomfortable, yet productive conflict focused on concepts and ideas is essential for any great team to grow. When teams have a foundation of vulnerability-based trust, conflict simply becomes an attempt to find the best possible solution in the shortest period of time.

  3. Commits to DECISIONS
    Commitment is clarity around decisions, not consensus. With commitment, teams move forward with complete buy-in from every team member – including those who may initially disagree.

  4. Holds team members ACCOUNTABLE
    It’s easy to avoid difficult conversations, but calling out peers on performance or behaviours that might hurt the team is essential to productivity. By ‘entering the danger zone of feedback’ with one another, team members feel trusted, respected and responsible for getting things done right.

  5. Focuses on achieving collective RESULTS
    One of the greatest challenges to team success is the inattention to results. Great teams ensure all members, regardless of their individual responsibilities and areas of expertise, are doing their best to help accomplish team goals.

How it works

Starting with The Five Behaviors assessment, team members will gain insights about themselves, others, and their approach to teamwork. These insights are then brought to life through a powerful virtual or in-person facilitated experience that works by addressing the full spectrum of essential cohesive team behaviors.

When teams start with a foundation of vulnerability-based trust, they can be genuinely transparent and honest with one another. From this foundation, team members can channel the power of productive conflict and debate, commit to shared goals, hold each other accountable, and deliver better results—together.

  • The Five Behaviors Personal Development Assessment
  • The Five Behaviors of A Cohesive Team Development Assessement
  • Team Development Workshops (Virtual or In-Person options)

Activate Your Team’s Potential

As the workplace evolves, so do team dynamics. Giving your team the skills they need to work together effectively, regardless of where they are working, is more important than ever.

The Five Behaviors® solutions can help you activate your team’s ability to drive results through cohesive teamwork, whether it is with our Personal Development solution which helps individuals learn the skills they need to “team” effectively on any team and build a culture of teamwork, or our Team Development solution which helps intact teams gain the know-how to work better together.

5B options

Find out if The Five Behaviors is right for you. 

We're here to help. Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation to learn more and see if you're ready to start building a healthier, more productive team.